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tv   KRON 4 News at 12 Noon  KRON  March 29, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ask your doctor about breztri. >> now at noon, a welfare check turns violent for police in san jose. we have a live report at the scene where shots were fired. and another
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united airlines flight diverted after taking off from sfo this time due to an issue with one of its engines. and rain is touching down across the bay area today. what you need to know ahead of your holiday weekend. >> from the bay station, you're watching kron. news. >> thanks so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. i'm stephanie lin. we start off with developing news out of the south bay where san jose police say they were caught in a crossfire during a welfare check this morning. the shooting forced road closures in the area of ross avenue and the avenue. let's bring in kron 4 charles clifford. right now. he's got the latest on the scene for us is to pay their tolls. >> well, here in south san jose, the police still on scene conducting investigation. you can see behind me there. they still got several blocks of les avenue closed down. this all
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follows an early morning shootout with a suspect. just before 5 friday morning. san jose police department officers were called to a home here along lake avenue near ross avenue to perform of wellness. check. according to police when the officers arrived on scene, they found an adult male standing outside holding a gun. the officer tried to negotiate with him, but police say he fired at least one round at the officers and they fired back. police say no one was injured during that exchange of gunfire after continuing to negotiate with a man for about 90 minutes. he finally surrendered peacefully to police around 6.30, was taken into custody as a result of the shooting. the san jose police department closed off several blocks along lake avenue. spent the morning gathering evidence talking with neighbors. all right, back live. now at this point, we don't know why this man was out on the street with a gun in the middle of the night. they haven't revealed that information to us. we also don't know his identity or the identity of the officers who were involved in this incident. but for now in the
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south bay, charles clifford kron, 4 news. charles, thank you. >> francisco police detained 2 people connected to a deadly shooting near union square. police say it happened last night around 9.30, in the holiday plaza portion of the bart station off market street. one person was killed. we continue following this story and we'll update you both on air and online. as soon as we get more information. in the east bay. now, the 4 largest employers in oakland are partnering up to protect workers from crime in the city. kron four's michael thomas explains how this new partnership will work. >> that's private. 10 million dollar plan to essentially bring more public safety to downtown streets in oakland is being put together because employees of these 4 large companies have been victims of crimes when heading to lunch or even just walking to and from work. the for larger employers that are splitting this hefty 10 million dollar bill include blue shield of california. clorox kaiser permanente in pg and e earlier this year. crime force the companies to hire private
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security guards to escort employees to and from bart stations parking garages and nearby businesses. campaign manager randy in downtown oakland says having more security is myself, my i more >> you know? >> waiting see some more hundreds of people crime statistics show robberies are up. 34 1% from last year with majority happening at gunpoint. >> the new plans will adding complement existing efforts from both mayor sheng thao and oakland police ramey tells me those efforts have been noticed in the recent weeks and have helped with business. but for last 2 years. >> that that need suffering. big damage >> crime, according to blue shield website, the plans include creating an uptown and downtown safe zone. that will partner with opd to improve visible and responsive security funding for oakland, uptown downtown community benefit district ambassador program which allow people to be escorted to and from local downtown destinations by
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calling or asking ambassadors in the street. employees will also get safety training in subsidized transportation. mayor thao did put out a statement saying in part, quote, i'm so grateful for the deep partnership of our 4 largest employers and see this as an example of a strong public private partnership. i applaud their engagement is true. civic leaders to improve conditions for everyone. i know we will be successful in bringing back safety growth in vibrancy. back to our streets. these public safety plans are set to roll out over the next few weeks and last throughout the rest of this year as we get more details as to what exactly they're going to be. adding an addition, we'll keep you updated. that's the very latest here in oakland, michael thomas kron. 4 news. >> governor gavin newsom announced a new plan this morning to install nearly 500 cameras in the east bay to combat crime. the governor's office. contract with flock safety to install the cameras in oakland, a non-state freeways in the east bay. they say the goal is to help combat criminal activity and freeway violence. they say this will
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also allow agencies to search for cars suspected of being involved in crimes. and take a look at this dash camera footage captures a bullet shattering the passenger side window of a vehicle in the middle of the afternoon in hayward, chp released this footage of that freeway shooting which happened wednesday on 8.80, south of alvarado. niles road officers say the driver suffered minor injuries from that shattered glass. the shooter was found and arrested. a united airlines flight that took off from sfo last night on its way to paris was forced to divert to denver. united airlines confirms to our sister station in denver. the flight had an issue with one of its engines. the plane did not declare an emergency landing and did make it to the airport there safely. the plane was a boeing 7, 7, 7, 2, 100 united said it is working with customers to find other flight options. today. another round of
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rainfall touching down across the bay area today as a precaution given the wet railways, barr is running at slower speeds. commuters can can expect some delays tonight. and tomorrow morning, a reminder to riders to watch your steps on the slick stairways and platforms. and on that note, let's talk about our forecast now taking a live look outside now at the bay checking with cuyler for more on the weather conditions. their umbrellas at the ready, everybody. we are in it. some of the heavier showers now starting to move in your i might go down towards can't quite see here. but >> towards the santa cruz mountains where we are having some pretty heavy showers roll in right now. in fact, coming down little over half an inch an hour. this is one of the spots that is supposed to have the most intense rainfall in the highest totals and so far living up to that. also seeing some of these heavier downpours now move into the north bay as well in and around. sandra fell. so certainly roads are going to be really tough right now. and as we zoom out, take your eye up to around the clear lake
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area and you start to see a little bit of snow right up in elevation there. so indication of the cold air that's coming in with this system is well, these temperatures are starting to drop. this is all courtesy of this low pressure system that has now come right down off the coast of a san francisco yesterday. we had it much higher to the north of us. but now you can see it is right here. and that is why all of this moisture is kind of straight at the bay area. notice we also have some of that snow in the sierra kicking up. not a great time to be on the road. they're now in addition to this, we have got wind and we're seeing these numbers start to it's a southeasterly flow. you can see that wind direction from the arrows there. definitely distinctly from the southeast in most spots. now at 23 miles per hour in hayward. 22 in san francisco and these are sustained winds. so that means gusts are going to be even higher. so we're under a wind advisory can see a wind warning high wind warning there for parts of the central but it's pretty much bay area wide. we're going to be in this until the early morning hours of saturday. we could see gusts up to 45 miles per
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hour on back a little bit. we'll talk about when this all wraps up and take a look at your seven-day forecast. all right, kelly, thank you. health officials are warning about an increase in whooping cough cases in marin county. >> four's will tran is in mill valley with what you need to know. >> the channel, pius high school for whatever reason and they're still investigating why they are seeing such a huge surge in hoping cough at this location. the kids are inside the classrooms as we speak. many of them probably have their masks on. they're not mandated to wear masks. but if it makes you feel safe for the school says by all means and here's the reason why. and marin county, they have 113 cases whooping cough. 65 of them are at this school just to give you perspective last year, marin county had 11 cases. so they are seeing a huge spike in cases. this seems to be cyclical that every 3 or 4 years they see an
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uptick in cases because those kids, well, those childhood vaccines, they're getting to the age where those vaccines are starting to wear off. so it's no surprise that they're is seen whipping cough, but it doesn't mean the kids and their parents are not a little bit concerned. >> it's kind of increasing around >> and i don't know how about to but this right now, i think everyone should just stay home with sword. >> they sent out lots e-mails and teachers have been a fun experience that will kick off thechool. were you a little concerned at all? yes, because the school has a lot of students. and when classes has 32 kids, which has a high chance of me getting whooping cough. >> here's what you need to know. some of the symptoms include a runny nose. and of course, severe coughing. the good news is among their age group and adults. it's not fatal, but possibly fatal. 2 babies, 2 months or younger.
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and the reason why is before 2 months they're not vaccinated. and if you have children and some of them being 2 months or younger, make sure that you protect those kids have a little bit of distance. the good news is it is very treatable. if you want to go to the doctors. well, after you get your drugs, you should stay home for 5 days. and if you don't want to take drugs on this and stay home, it's 21 days to be home before you return to school. >> gossett junior, the first black man to win a supporting performance in an officer and a gentleman has died at 87 years old. his role as an intimidating marine drill instructor in the 1982 film also earned him a golden globe. gossett also won an emmy for his role on the small screen as fiddler in the groundbreaking 1970, 70 1977 mini series roots about the atrocities of slavery. coming
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up, prices are nearing record highs ahead of the holiday weekend. >> what experts say is causing the hike. and another round of heavy snow headed for the sierra skiers are in luck, but the commute could be difficult. but first-time pg e bills force a theater in the east bay to scale back operations. but those changes look like next. skyrocketing
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pg e bills are a bay area wide problem. and those high costs are now forcing an east bay movie theater to cut back. >> kron four's dan thorn
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reports. >> when it's dark, the theater usually has its iconic marquee lit up and drivers from highway. 24 can see it. but that was not the case. thursday night as one of the cost-cutting measures, the owners of the orinda theater, a taking and now they're also closing the theater on mondays and tuesdays after getting a more than $6,000 energy bill from pg and e. historic movie theater in orinda is making difficult decisions over ever increasing energy bills. the orinda theater will no longer have showings on the silver screen on mondays and tuesdays. you know, obviously you like to be open 7 days a week, but >> if it, you know, we can be opened and have lost every day. you theater owner derek xem racks as it was this $6200 charge from pg any that's forcing them to cut back. the bill was 2 grand higher than what they usually see. and it came as a shock may peak the 5,000 dead of winter.
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>> yeah, never $6,000 in 15 years since i've been doing year in the theater opened in 1941, and place classic films and new releases. its large theater can seat up to 750 people. and during chilly evenings, heat is required to keep the audience comfortable zimmer acts as the enormous jump in utilities is forcing them to not only close the curtains. 2 days a week, but also cut back on powering up their iconic marquee. no shining sign is a disappointing site for locals. the mamquee >> the probably the most iconic part of orinda. you know, the symbol that we all think about thing over it kinda makes me sad. i hope i hope they find success is amber acts as they've always been grateful for the support of the year in the community. and word spread fast about the high pg any bill zamra copes. the utility will help them out. >> i did i didn't get a call from thing. you know, like, wow, they could try to you
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know, but, you know, we'll see where that goes. so >> the monday and tuesday closures are set to begin next month. but senator acts as the popular once a month classic movie tuesday, matt ne will not be affected. reporting are in doubt. dan thorn kron, 4 news. >> police raided an illegal drug lab in east bay home this week. the lab was discovered tuesday at a home on shasta daisy drive right next to liberty. high school in brentwood. authorities say the lab was being used to make the psychedelic drug dmt. in addition to the drugs, investigators say they also found a possible explosive compound stored in the containers. there. police arrested 29 year-old jonathan the car seat and are looking for 2 other suspects. one person is dead after a shooting in oakland. it happened around 4 yesterday afternoon on louvain avenue not far from the oakland airport. police have not yet identified the victim, a suspect or a motive for the shooting. our police says increasing the number of officers on patrol stations is
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making a big difference for riders. the agency says they've made over 700 felony arrests last year. that's up 62% from 2022. 49 illegal guns were found. that's the most guns bart police say they have ever recovered in a year. we spoke with drivers rather riders. takes a bart a monday to friday. >> in the morning and they come back at this time in early afternoon have noticed this more. staff for the safety. i really appreciate that. >> plus, when those 2 trains are cleaner. i have i have not had a problem. and bart self. >> in a statement, bart says, quote, since we started deploying more patrol officers to ride trains, we have seen an impact and our writers are telling us they notice the difference. let's check in on our forecast now as we take a live look outside at walnut creek. and, you know, keilar for the drive into the station this morning in san francisco. a big day up. yeah, a bit damp
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and it's just not a whole lot of fun on the road. we've got this much rain coming down. >> and you can see that here on the richmond bridge, a perfect example where the camera itself is coated with raindrops and hopefully people taking a little bit slower today. you might also notice when you got out of the car, it's awfully chilly out there. temperatures running very cool in spots like santa rosa. we're at 48 degrees. notice san francisco. just a 46 kind of check out the big codis and critic myself. little chilly out there. we're warmer in san jose at 59. but this is decidedly going to be a cool system and we're already seeing the effects of that. as you see the difference in temperatures between 24 hours ago and now napa santa rosa down about 8 degrees. so pretty much across the board. a little cooler. that cool rushes in behind the system sometimes. so highs today will be about a 50's kind of a story. not seeing any 60's out there. i think inland look at maybe a little closest candy up. but that's about it. maybe san jose. but everyone else going to be those low to mid 50's to low pressure system driving all of this is sitting right off the coast is in
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prime position to just draw all of this moisture in allowing for rain and sierra snow to happen. so when we zoom in, you can see where some of these showers are now starting to get a little more presents. you start to see the oranges and yellows indicating heavier downpours and that will be the case as we go across the afternoon. in fact, into the evening, we have a marginal flood-risk out there. so it's just a slight bit of a risk. but it means if you see ponding on roadways, make sure you're being careful and just take your time. if you're out about these heavy showers will go throughout the afternoon. this is about 3 o'clock. so we're going to rush rush hour tonight. we will start to get a few little breaks here and there. but notice there are scattered showers around in any of them could potentially be heavy downpours. so we really don't say goodbye to this quite as soon as we'd like to their saturday morning by saturday afternoon, you start to see its lightning up a little bit. but remember, this is counter clockwise circulation and it's got a little back and on it. so that means that we can still get that chance of showers even as we get into sunday, which, of course, is our easter sunday. so make your plans
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accordingly. and of course, next week we've got gorgeous weather awaiting us on the other side of the rain. all right. love the sound of that. thank you. the commercial crab season ends april 8th for most of the california coastline. that's because of an incraase migrating humpback whales. fishing will be banned from the sonoma and mendocino county line to the u.s. mexico border restrictions will be in place to limit fishing north of the sonoma and mendocino county line. >> and the newly named naval ship, the uss harvey milk. visit san francisco today. the ship honor, san francisco, navy veteran and lgbtq activist harvey milk. city officials say the community can see the ship from pure 30. and 32 on the embarcadero. a private ceremony honors local military vets who served during the vietnam war. still ahead, lotto fever continues with a chance to win 935 million dollars. what you need to know about tomorrow's powerball drawing.
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>> for your money this afternoon as people get ready to celebrate easter, we're seeing egg prices soar to near historic highs worldwide. >> causing concern for consumers. disease outbreaks, lower supply and increased farming costs led to elevated prices for the essential food item. economists say the bird flu is the biggest factor and recent bad weather conditions and the ongoing conflict in ukraine are also playing a role. >> and now the thing of it is it's real. the little guys out the margins are so small that year, basically you might not losing the money, but you
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won't make enough make a living. >> economists say once outbreaks under control prices should continue to steadily fall. and time is running out for some californians to get unclaimed tax refunds. the irs says more than 94 million dollars is available for people who did not file returns in 2020. they didn't file returns mainly because they earn so little in their jobs. they were not required to fill out a 10. 44, but in order to get the they must file a return. experts say the average refund to work out to around $835. unclaimed money goes to the u.s. treasury after more than 3 years. and if you did not get the big billion dollar jackpot for the mega millions drawing this week, you get another chance to win big tomorrow night's powerball jackpot is worth an estimated 935 million dollars. the cash value was about 450 million dollars. but people with winning tickets are not the only ones
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benefiting from the california lottery. the organization says they've raised almost 63 million dollars for public schools. coming up here at noon, new technology is improving communication for crews during wildfires and earthquakes. >> more on how it works. and a stormy winter made for good ski conditions at the slopes resorts extending their seasons next. this year is
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expecting another round of heavy snow through the holiday weekend. and ski resorts are extending the season through april kron. four's gayle ong brings us the story.
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>> springsteen is my favorite time of the whatever those warmer temperatures as one of the best times to learn how to write and and now anyone who wants to learn how to write in ski has until may at palisades tahoe resort, pr manager patrick lacey is looking forward to extending the season we receive 31 inches in the month of march were actually to our average seasonal snowfall. and we can possibly get there by the end of this motions are definitely a lot of excitement around the mountain right now. >> over at kirkwood mountain resort, this ski season is extending 2 weeks later until the end of april. general manager ricky newberry march kind of came in strong. we've got a bunch of snow to start the month. >> we had a week of some spring weather, some bluebird skies and some warmer temps. and then i'm kind of mid month and has been the return of winter. so, yeah, the snowpack is healthy and the skiing and
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writing is top notch right now and looking forward to doing it for another month and more snow is on the way. this is a good system. this is called, but anyone heading out to the sea want to caution safety periods of moderate to heavy snow in the forecast. >> prompted the national weather service to issue a winter storm warning director of communications for kelly past resorts. kevin coop cooper gets this reminder for drivers heading up this holiday weekend. make sure you still have those chains catch. you have that emergency road kit. make sure you fill your charger ev before you come up there. this is a winter storm will have impacts on i-80 highway 50 state route. 88. >> and now anyone who wants to learn how to ride and ski has until may at palisades tahoe resort. pr manager patrick lacey is looking for, he says, to extending the season and over at kirkwood mountain resort. the ski season is extending 2 weeks later until the end of april says general manager ricky newberry and more snow is on the way. but anyone heading to the cra will want to caution safety. we are
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reminding them to practice safety rather periods of moderate to heavy snow are in the forecast and that prompted the national weather service to issue a winter storm warning the director of communications for county past resorts, kevin coop cooper gave us that reminder for drivers heading up this holiday weekend. both house. ok, let's go ahead and check in with cuyler for more on the weather. yeah, we're taking a live look at the roads there and you can see it is not a fun time to be to have to bring this picture up view 70. we can kind of see have hair, but, >> you know, we've been steadily watching the snow the last couple of days here. and it's just to say that we are in the thick of another winter storm bringing over tahoe. you can see there are 30 to 2 degrees in south lake tahoe. they've got the snow starting to come down. 34 in so now is not the time to get on the road. you heard coupes say that and he is 100% right? because look at this highway, 80 highway 50. these are right now getting some, you know, beginnings of snow heavy right now on 80. but that means
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you're just going to get stuck in traffic. and if it's me, i wouldn't want to. but i was talking last night is going try and go up tonight. now is really try to talk about we'll see if they do it. you can see the winter storm warnings and advisories and watches all up and down throughout the state. this is going to be a big storm even though we're nearing the end of march of this, still have a packing a punch 8 to 20 inches of new snow. we could see over 2 feet at the peaks. very gusty wind difficult travel, maybe even impossible. so if you must get the car, you got to realize it's going to be dealing with these kind of conditions and that you're likely to encounter change delays. and this is through 5 o'clock on sunday. so if you're not already up there, you kind of mister wind up in a show you one little possible here's tonight. this is what i do not recommend heading there. there is a slight break tomorrow morning. if you get out early tomorrow morning, you might make it before the afternoon. snow starts to kick in remember that counter clockwise? circulation of low pressure means we kind of get this in waves and has it's tracking to the south. you'll see a little more kind of hit there. and sunday and then
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finally starts to push out as we get later into the day on sunday. so by about 5 o'clock on sunday, you're looking good. diamond peak. right now, some brave souls out there having a little break, maybe getting in some skiing before the snow gets too crazy. it's going to you know, a big weekend for us friday saturday and sunday. so again, if you're not up there yet, you kind of miss the boat, but there might be a tiny chance. you could go early saturday morning. meanwhile, back in the bay, we've got the rain falling, the umbrellas out. i'll be back in a little bit. we'll talk more about when the sunshine makes a return. back to all right. thank you. a concord man who tossed a pipe bomb at police last october has finally been convicted this week. >> danielle garcia was charged for throwing multiple pipe bombs during a high-speed chase with san francisco police garcia was convicted on multiple counts, including detonating an explosive device with intent to injure. he faces up to 14 years in state prison. he is set to be sentenced this april. in the north bay. authorities identified the man who died after his car caught on fire and crashed in novato on
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sunday. >> the marin county coroner says teary hug and was driving southbound on one sunday morning when his car went off. the freeway know near the del prado on-ramp. he died at the scene according to a gofundme set up to help terry's family. he was a car enthusiast and is survived by 2 daughters and his wife. the person died in a boat crash yesterday afternoon in the area of point reyes headlines in marin county. the county fire department says someone crashed into the rocky shoreline near chimney rock. they say a rescue swimmer with the u.s. coast guard went to the boat and saw someone inside of it. crews helped get the victim out but said the person died. the victim's identity is being withheld until next of kin is notified. and a day after san francisco mayoral candidate daniel lurie called for the city to declare a fence and all state of emergency. another challenger is demanding the same. former mayor mark farrell said he also to declare a state of emergency saying that in his
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strategy, more california national guard members should be in the city to close open air drug markets in the city. in addition, he says his plan would expand access to treatment for those suffering from addiction. current mayor london breed's she says that they don't think much of farrell's ideas. the campaign responding by saying in part, quote, in mark farrell, san francisco arms national guard troops will cents off the tenderloin and create a green zone, creating a baghdad by the bay. a statement going on to say, quote, well, farrell plays g i joe mayor breed continues to do the heavy lifting of governing behind the scenes. many californians are struggling to find insurance coverage as major providers pull out of wildfire risk areas that includes allstate. farmers, insurance and state farm insurance is a key requirement to carry a mortgage for a home at the state capitol hearing was held to discuss what can be done to prevent the situation from getting worse. >> they do structural
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modifications and they do ongoing brush clearing to these things. are proven to reduce the risk, which does, in fact, make california more ensure double. what's at issue is 2 companies have enough money on a statewide basis. to pay their obligations. and that's what we have to fix. >> the president of the personal insurance federation of california trade association says insurance companies are leaving because they're struggling to turn a profit doing business in california. and a bay area lawmaker is working to prevent more kids from getting hit and killed by cars around schools. kron four's dan kerman reports. >> across the nation, school speed zones vary. but california is one of a handful where they can be as high as 25 miles per hour. we're doing everything we can to get more bike and roll the school. but e- we need to create a safe environment for them to be able to do that. and it doesn't matter where you live in california, every student deserves that. that right to safety at a news conference thursday outside councilman
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elementary school in campbell. but low park state assemblyman marc berman introduced new legislation which would drop california school zone. speed limits to 20 miles per hour or less. the bill would also replace the when children are present coffee at with specific times. no longer will. we asked drivers to take their eyes off the road and search for whether there's a child president because after our bill. >> drivers will know whether you're in shasta county or san diego county, the before and after school. you need to slow down. it was a year and a half ago in september of 2022. 1, 8 year-old jacob be a new wave. councilman elementary school 3rd grader died after being hit by a car while walking to school. we are determined that jacobs death not be in vain. and this is one more step in the right direction. the safer school zones act also requires improve safety planning within a half-mile of schools. backers of the bill say by creating similar standards around all california schools,
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drivers are more likely to comply if the bill passes the legislature and signed by the governor. it takes effect january. first of 2025. >> but it would be phased in over a period of years. dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> the largest crane on the eastern seaboard arrives in baltimore harbor to assist with cleanup after a tragic bridge collapse earlier this week. the ship could be seen carrying at least one of 2 large cranes heading into baltimore harbor this morning. maryland's governor says the crane can lift up to 1000 tons. it will be used to clear the channel. so the search for bodies can resume and the shipping route can be reopened. and president biden approved 60 million dollars in funding to help with cleanup efforts in that deadly bridge collapse. the funding will help pay for crews to clear away debris and set up mobilization efforts as well as recovery efforts for 4 remaining workers that are presumed dead. the francis scott key bridge went down early tuesday morning after a
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cargo ship lost power and collided with the structure. and president joe biden's reelection campaign got a big boost last night at new york city's iconic radio city music hall with former president obama and clinton among the high-powered guests, our washington correspondent reshad hudson has more on the star-studded event. >> the biden campaign says it raised over 25 million dollars at last night's event. and former president trump was also in new york, but for very different reasons, president biden is getting help from 2 former democratic presidents. obama and clinton headlining an event at radio city music hall thursday night. that read in a record-breaking 25 million dollars for president biden's reelection campaign. it comes as he's either tied or lags behind former president trump in the polls. i think there are a lot of democrats. >> the want to president obama very involved. former obama staffer join damascus as her
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old boss is ready to do some serious campaigning for biden to help them draw in more voters. >> trump was in new york to for the wake of new york city police officer jonathan diller, who was killed during a traffic stop. what happened is such a sad. >> said event. such a horrible thing. it's happening all too often which is not going to let it happen. peter logue with george washington university says trump is finding other ways to connect with his supporters, reminding people that. >> that they're afraid of crime and he's the one standing with with victims and cops. >> and the white house as president biden spoke to new york city's mayor to offer his condolences on the death of the officer reporting in washington, reshad hudson, back to you. >> for your health, there is a growing concern over a spike in m-pox cases. the cdc is reporting more than 500 cases in the u.s. this year alone. there were fewer than 300 cases last year at this time.
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the cdc is warning that a new variant of m-pox virus was detected and it was more severe. the virus is spread through personal contact and has flu-like symptoms followed by a rash and raised lesions like the ones you see on your screen there. there is an and pox vaccine available. but the cdc says the vaccination rate in the u.s. remains low. and when mom says eat your greens, it's easy to do at green's today on dine and dish. we're paying a visit to the iconic vegetarian restaurant at fort mason in san francisco to see what's new probably is. vicki liviakis brings us the story. >> chef katie oversees the making of about watering veggie >> a pioneer, a vegetarian cooking greens on the water at fort mason in the city has been kicking out farm to table treats since 1979. pastas and
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pizzas and and things that. >> even if you're not vegetarian, you'll recognize what they are. and you'll still have a really great meal and feel satisfied with fresh colorful dishes like the spring rolls and seasonal salads. it's no wonder diners comeback greens is going global. inviting guest chefs like chef as alina. >> she's a 5th generation. malaysian street food vendor who opened her restaurant in san francisco. what i make. >> it's so unique. it's not going to so delicious. but that always excite people. you tease, but peppers and soy sauce. you have a lot of coconut milk and then you have all these. density amazing aroma spice all in one ship as alina, along with 6 other award-winning bay area. chefs will join chef katie in the greens kitchen for collaborative dinners. >> called a global celebration of vegetables. you don't have to be a vegetarian to enjoy it. it's just a way for us to
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come together over a shared love of vegetables. chef series runs through september in san francisco. vicki liviakis kron. 4 make it as fun. the most delicious places to be in the bay area. well, coming up on 4 continues. our celebration of the bay area's remarkable women. >> and today we reveal the winner of our search. and new giants manager bob melvin made his debut during yesterday's first pitch. details ahead. stay with us.
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>> welcome back. people will
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soon be able to see another solar eclipse. but there are some things you need to know if you want to see that eclipse and take pictures of it. our rich demuro shows us some tech that could help. >> if you want to experience the total solar eclipse on april 8th, you need to be prepared. it's daylight like this. and then it's night boom and stay again. >> it happened so fast so quick so unusual that it's really fascinating to be there. that's jefferson graham of photo walks tv. he travels the world in search of the perfect picture, everybody with a smartphone. it's going to want get the shot. his recommendation, leave the sun shots to nasa capture the scene and take a video of the eclipse instead. enjoy the experience. get pictures of people, all the people looking up for their classes and the whole scenery. he showed me the right tools, including a simple tripod with a phone mount there it is a photo filter to protect the lenses on your smartphone.
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>> and classes to where they're really, really dark. but when you look up at the sun, there is make sure the glasses you get are iso certified. if you want to capture a snapshot of the sun used first mode, dragged the shutter button instead of pressing sda turns your smartphone into a telescope. they're selling a solar eclipse. can't with express shipping for $399 is the best companion for the that it keeps on the april in the u.s. after you can use it to capture photos of galaxies nebulas and planets. while all that is amazing. the eclipse app lets you explore viewing events and provides an exact count down to totality based on your viewing location. along with expected cloud cover while eclipse tracks dot org lets you explore an interactive path and see past and future eclipses. >> and a tech company is
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creating a way for some people to experience that upcoming solar eclipse without actually seeing it. astronomers with the lights out project are creating devices that turn light from the sky into sound for people who are blind or visually impaired. the devices will be available at some public gatherings in cities where the eclipse will be visible on april 8th. so a very special and unique way to experience that. and you may want to keep your eyes on the sky tonight. spacex is hoping to launch another batch of starlink satellites into orbit on board its falcon 9 rocket. last night's launch had to be scrubbed at the last minute. but tonight's launch is set for 7.30, skies were so clear during the last launch that it could be seen in the sky across southern california. you can watch the launch live on space x's account on x. all right. let's check in on our forecast now as we take a live look outside at sfo looking a bit gray out there. let's check in now with cuyler for hey there. yeah. and
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unfortunately, sfo right now is having some delays and not to be terribly like surprising, natay like this. but >> part of it is that they have of runway that is under construction. so when they get weather, it then limits because of wind direction and things like that, which runways they can make use of. so they are looking at arriving flights of the 91 minute delay right now, the rest of our local airports, as you can see doing just fine. so the wind is certainly whipping. we're at 22 miles per hour in san francisco. 23 in hayward. 22 in san jose southeasterly flow. we're going to see that continue into the afternoon as this low pressure system continues to toss all of this moisture our way, bring us rain and also this some snow. and as we zoom in here, you can see this kind of heavy rain coming in right over the santa cruz mountains. and so that's throwing a little bit of that in the direction of the peninsula and also the south bay where you might see some of this pick up a little bit as we go over the next few hours as we roll into san francisco, still seeing some pretty steady showers and then some heavier pockets. also happening up in mill valley and around san rafael
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as well. and then ahead, take your eye to the far north here you'll see like in and around clear lake notice some of this cold air rolling in starting to see just a few snowflakes up at the mountain tops there and certainly lots of snowflakes in the sierra right now travel is definitely going to be ill advised. all right. so we'll see this low pressure system ultimately start tracking to the south. and once it heads out, there's your saturday morning sunday. we finally start to get a little bit of clearing here and then things are going to change significantly for our weather. once we get past the system. but before then, santa cruz mountains spots looking up for upwards of 2 inches rain. same story down in parts of southern california. we're looking out for an inch to an inch and a half here in the bay area. the wind will continue, in fact intensifies. we get into the afternoon and evening. but by tomorrow we'll start to see that pullback. not until later in the day, though. so you can see they're still waking up to some breezy conditions. but here's the good news. the 7 day forecast shows you on the other side of this just in time. a love for easter weekend. just the end of it. at least we start to clear out get some nice weather monday, tuesday,
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wednesday, thursday, even looking pretty good. all right. like to look at that. thank you so much. thursday marked opening day for the mlb and the giants. new manager made his debut against his old team in san diego. >> kron 4 sports director jason dumas has the highlights from the game. >> opening day to some. it's like a national holiday for 30 teams. it's a sense of optimism that this can be the year. the giants enter it retooled and looking to get off to a great start. they were in san diego on thursday taking on the padres in barry is bob melvin making his giants debut to bury a kid playing his former team and the giants they got on the board. first top of the 3rd, nic, a man. the blast, one down to 3rd base line. michael conforto scores. it's one nothing fast. 47 tie game and again into left field. his second rbi single of the game.
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and we're tied up once again. but bottom of the 7th man on the corners in the giant bullpen a blow it for logan webb once again. xander boegarts. brings in a couple runs and then the next batter, jake cronenworth, he puts the game away. hopefully this is not a precursor of the season where logan webb pitch amazing. and then the guys can hold the wait for him. it wasn't like it was like that. padres win it 6 to 4 running back on friday. all right. that's your look at sports. back to you guys. >> now to college hoops. legendary stanford women's basketball coach tara vanderveer is in portland with her team. the stanford women's basketball team continue their pursuit of a national championship prepping for their sweet 16 matchup today
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they take on north carolina state. it's the 3rd trip to the sweet 16 for this group of seniors. >> it's amazing. it's so great to be home. i mean, i was 15 minutes from here. so i got to see my parents. i say my grandmother, my dog. so let's i'm just soaking on for sure. >> kron 4 sports reporter aaron wilson will be up portland for that game today. as stan for looks to advance to the elite 8. coming up, a pro tennis player turned nonprofit leader. we introduce you to the winner of our remarkable women search.
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>> kron 4 continues. our celebration of the bay area's remarkable women. and today we are excited to reveal the winner of our search. san francisco's very own peanut. louie harper is a pro tennis player turned a nonprofit leader coaching kids on how to win in the game of life by changing how we think about success through her nonprofit harper for kids. i spoke with her this morning about her life changing work. we just, you know, our program is free for schools. we just ask that, you they have commitment to character education. that bill. >> implement a program it's really simple just about, you know, how everything define success for themselves and it's pass it on to the kids and, you know, keep putting those positive messages in front of the kids and and reminding them that really, you know, all you can do is to your best and we all want kids to just be the best person that they can be. yes, and >> and as the winner of this year's remarkable woman the
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harper, she does get $1000 that goes towards her nonprofit. again, that harper for kids so big. congratulations again to peanut on being named the winner of our remarkable women contest. all right. take a look at this. the oakland zoo is expanding its flamingo flocks 7 pink feathered females from san diego are now part of the crew. zoo says the new additions encourage natural social behaviors such as flamboyance, which is a term used for a group of dancing flamingos. funds way to describe that. and a group of 3 endangered turtle species later record a count at a conservation facility in australia. a total of 108 eggs were cared for inside the facilities. incubate a room over the last 2 months. and as they hatch, the baby turtles will be cared for at the facility until they are mature enough to be released into the wild. wow. that is so all right. taking a look at weather right now. we obviously have the rain to contend with today. everybody.
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rainy weekend ahead. really and a cool one as well. but we do have the sunshine coming in next week. so get ready for some sunny. >> times ahead. >> all right. love the sound of that. thank you so much. and that will be off from the newsroom today. thanks so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. i'm stephanie lin. take good care of yourselves. live in the bay is yourselves. live in the bay is next. struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1? ask about vraylar. because you are greater than your bipolar 1, and you can help take control of your symptoms with vraylar.
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