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tv   The Eleven O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  March 28, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm PDT

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dagger clemson wins 77 to 72 to advance to the elite eight. and alabama also upset top seed north carolina. so that's it from the oakland coliseum where rain is in the forecast for tomorrow. but we'll see what happens. but the a's go down in their home opener eight nothing to the cleveland guardians jason thank you. >> we appreciate it. next at 11 breaking news out of san francisco where one person has died after a shooting right near a bart station on the 11:00 news on ktvu. >> fox two starts now. >> good evening everyone. i'm mike mibach and i'm julie julie haener. >> let's get right to that. breaking news ktvu is jana katsuyama joins us now. she's in the city near the powell street bart station. jana, what have you learned? >> well, mike and julie, i just want to show you right now i'm going to get out of the way. you can see this crime scene tape here. these are the stairs and the escalators going down to holiday plaza, where the powell street bart station entrance.
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there has been completely shut down. people are being asked to go to one of the other locations. bart is still running. now we want to come over here. the entire place is shut down. we understand that there was a shooting down there and they are still waiting for crime scene investigators. we want to bring in right now, sergeant marissa chung, who is here on the scene as one of the people kind of making sure that it is all secure. first of all, thanks for joining us. can you tell us what time this happened and what you found when your officers got here? >> we received this call around 9:30 p.m. and when we responded to the scene, we found that a person was wounded down in holiday plaza. >> okay. and at this point, is that person dead, it's still an active investigation at this point. >> okay. and what is the situation now? what are you waiting for? and is there any danger to the public at this point? >> so right now we're waiting for our investigative unit to respond to the scene. i don't have an eta as to when the station here will be open, as far as danger, we are still
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looking for possible suspects again, this is an ongoing investigation. >> and do you have anybody that you've taken into custody or taken in for questioning? >> we do have two individuals detained at this point. we don't know what they're involvement is. so we're still figuring that out. >> and have you found a weapon anywhere, we did locate a firearm at the scene. >> and is there any danger? was there any danger to any of the bart passengers in the middle of this? >> not to my knowledge. this happened in the plaza. okay. from here on out, do you have any sense for people who are trying to get home, bart riders as to what they should do and how long this might take to get this back open? >> so. >> so the bart trains are running. it's just this particular station that's closed. any of the other stations here along market street are open, and they can go down to take the bart. >> and what about muni, muni is open still as well. just not this station. okay >> and was it pretty much contained to this area? we did see some police lights in a different part of market street. was that related at all, it was mostly contained in this area.
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>> and is there anything that you're looking for from the public in terms of any tips or anything that might help with your investigation here at this time? >> it's still an active investigation. we really don't have anything for the public at this time. okay. >> and can you tell us what's in a man, woman, adult, child? >> unfortunately, i don't know. >> okay. all right. well, we will be following this. thank you so much for joining us and giving us the information that we have right now. so, mike and julie, you're hearing that, you know, breaking right now as we're speaking from the sergeant, this is closed. we've seen a lot of people going up and down market street trying to get home again. as the sergeant said, powell street bart entrance is closed, but bart is still running. so you're going to want to avoid this area. go to one of the other stations. we are going to stay here and try and get an update. once some of those crime scene investigators arrive here at the scene. >> all right, back to you still getting information. jana katsuyama a good job out there reporting live from san francisco. gianna. thank you. >> new at 11 oakland police are
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also investigating a deadly shooting. police say they received multiple reports about a person who was shot around 415 this afternoon on levine avenue, just east of interstate 880. paramedics responded to the scene, but the victim died from their injuries later at the hospital. no word on any arrests or what led up to those shots being fired. >> new tonight, the oakland school board will vote on a new resolution next month designed to help more black and brown students get into college, supporters say a recent study shows half of oakland's black and brown seniors are not eligible to even apply for admission. ktvu. is. amber lee joins us now live after attending a rally in support of the resolution. amber julie supporters say the goal of the resolution is to have schools help students meet the requirements to apply for and attend college. >> oakland charter high oakland unity high 35 oakland public schools received awards thursday night for successfully preparing black and brown students for
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college admission. they did so by helping students meet course requirements and making sure they're proficient in subjects, including math and english. we want to amplify these successes. >> we want to focus and make sure we're building on what's working, because 35 out of 120 is not enough, not enough, according to families in action, the advocacy group says the majority of oakland's 120 public schools are failing to help black and brown students get into college. >> we got to stop hiding behind inflated graduation numbers and inflated grades because we're doing the children of oakland a disservice. >> at a rally, the group announced a resolution called raise the bar that it coauthored with two school board members. it calls on the oakland unified school district board of education and the city council to set goals to improve proficiency rates substantially for black and brown students over the next ten years. >> we need to go from incremental to a rocket type of
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acceleration of our curriculum, supporters say. >> the resolution is a way to try to ensure that resources are devoted to, and focused on educating parents and students about college eligibility. >> if you don't hit those requirements, then what opportunities do you have? >> this parent says she wants to make sure her son, who's in the fourth grade, is on track to get into college. >> if graduation is not synonymous with acceptance, it's failure. >> one high school senior tells me he's college bound, thanks in part to his school. he says the resolution could help many students. >> i'm super passionate about it because i've seen students that are like, they have a lot of potential, but they don't know what what they need to do. >> kimmy keen, co-founder of families in action, says the resolution's goal is to encourage schools to look beyond high school graduation. >> we know that without ensuring black and brown students read and do math at grade level, we will not be preparing our students to for opportunities in college. >> the school board is scheduled to discuss and vote on the
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resolution on april 24th. keen tells me the city council is expected to take up this matter in the coming months. julie >> all right. amber lee reporting live for us tonight. amber. thank you. also new at 11. law enforcement arrested more than two dozen people during a human trafficking sting. the attorney general says officers arrested 27 people for allegedly soliciting prostitution as part of an undercover operation targeting sex buyers. the operation took place last week in sacramento. it involved deputies posing as sex workers when approached by a potential buyer, a meet up location would be designated. once the buyer showed up, they were arrested. >> a concord man has been convicted for throwing explosives out of his vehicle while being chased by san francisco police. a jury convicted daniel garcia of several crimes, including detonating an explosive with intent to injure. garcia was arrested back in october after assaulting a church parishioner and then leading police on a
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high speed chase. he now faces up to 14 years in prison, also new at 11, an unusual chase in northern california after a nine year old boy took his mother's car out for a joyride in oroville. >> it led to a small police chase that ended with the boy driving his car straight into another car. fortunately, no one was hurt, the boy said he was driving himself to school. >> people in milpitas appear to be at odds over the city's pickleball courts. the city temporarily converted to tennis courts into pickleball courts at hall memorial park last year. now, the east bay times reports during a recent city council meeting, elected leaders discuss whether the city should make the change permanent and reaction is mixed. players are excited, but some residents living near the courts say the sound of the game is just too loud and traffic is also becoming a problem. >> it was opening day for baseball, and while many fans are excited, a's fans showed up to make a statement. today. thousands of fans flooded the coliseum parking lot in a block party boycott, even though plans
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are still in place for the team to move to las vegas. a's fans are staying loyal to their team and calling on the owner to sell the ballclub. ktvu zac sos was there for what could be the last opening day at the coliseum, 7070. >> the same message echoing both inside and out of the coliseum at the top of the fifth. >> this opening day, perhaps the most vocal located at lot b, i feel like the team is being stolen from us with no say in it. >> so this is kind of how we're voicing our displeasure. >> newark city council member mike bucci joining the thousands of faithful opting to boycott the game in protest of a's owner john fisher's plans to move the team to vegas. >> i do not want to give them my money. i do not want to give john fisher my money anymore. >> fan groups the oakland 68 and the last dive bar calling this the first day of their summer of boycott. >> we'll meet out here in the parking lot. it's a community,
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and we used to meet inside the coliseum, but not this year. >> and asking other fans to do the same throughout the season. perhaps the a's last at the coliseum. >> it hurts. it's hard. it's. but all my friends are out here now. >> but not all fans joining in. >> i feel like what's done is done. we're gonna i'm trying to enjoy a while, as i've always liked going to a's games, have fun, do all that stuff. so why not back outside for fans like chris mcevoy, the a's, the coliseum are more than just a team or a building. >> my childhood is here. all my memories from baseball are here and that's why we call it the last dive bar. it may not be the most pretty home, but it's our home still holding out. >> hope the move falls through. >> i'm hoping they screw it up in las vegas. have to come back here with their tails between their legs, and just sell the team and organizers of the boycott say they plan to keep these going at games. >> all summer long. many fans i spoke to say they plan to take part unless ownership changes course at the oakland coliseum.
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zac sos, ktvu, fox two news and the san francisco giants open out there on the road in san diego. >> but fans here at home came together at bars and restaurants to watch the matinee. we found some fans hanging out at momo's right across from the giants ballpark there in china basin. the giants play their home opener a week from tomorrow, and fans say they're hopeful that this season is going to be a winning one. the giants did lose their opener today. to those padres 6 to 4. they will play the next three in san diego. and you can catch saturday's game right here on ktvu first pitch. 415 but there is rain in the forecast. a proposed bowie removal in santa cruz causing some controversy. why residents are upset over its virtual replacement. >> also, although it's mostly looking dry outside right now, in just a matter of hours, we may start to see some scattered showers. our meteorologist, mark tamayo, will have the full forecast coming up
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the ambush attack in idaho that led to an escape of an inmate. >> this story begins tonight's west coast rap. tia garcia owned the car that the two initial suspects used to get away after the ambush. that ambush left two officers injured from gunfire. now, garcia had falsely reported that car as stolen an hour after the ambush. officials say text messages revealed that she was instructed to do so the day before the attack in los angeles. >> new details are emerging
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about who federal agents want to talk to in connection with the human trafficking investigation involving rapper sean diddy combs. tmz has learned that authorities are now trying to take a closer look at the flight manifests of several private jets used by combs. investigators caught up with combs at a florida airport on monday. it happened as agents were raiding his homes in miami and in los angeles. tmz says authorities are now focusing on where combs has traveled on those private planes, as they're going to be sending those subpoenas out to them because they want to specifically scour the flight logs and scour the manifests to find out exactly who was on those planes. tmz says interviews will be taking place involving everyone who has reportedly been on those planes. combs attorney says the music mogul is cooperating with investigators. >> and in washington state, a county official wants to make a groundbreaking change to the juvenile justice system by abolishing detention centers for teenagers by the year 2028. a
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king county executive wants to establish an initiative, care and closure system. the goal being no locks, no cells. according to recent crime data. as of this week in the county, 43 teenagers are currently detained for murder, assault, robbery or gun crimes, and you can hear about the west coast top stories every weekday right here on ktvu. west coast rap with alex savage airs 7:00 monday through friday, or you can find around the clock coverage at west coast >> still ahead tonight, disgraced cryptocurrency executive sam bankman-fried officially sentenced to 25 years. but prosecutors wanted more and the band green day back home, playing in the bay area, we take a look at the mission behind the benefit concert. >> they'll be part of. >> and in weather. we have been talking about two storms all week long. the first one is out of here. a stronger one is veloping. offshore will impact
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south of the santa cruz coast, but the city of capitola is protesting. in a letter, the city says it believes the boy is critical to the safety of thousands of fishermen, boaters and kayakers navigating the waters. it serves as a reference point for mariners to be directed from land. the coast guard says it wouldn't be getting rid of the marker altogether, just switching to a virtual one that can be accessed with gps. however, locals say the physical buoy is irreplaceable. >> we use the mile buoy every class to be able to come back and then use stem based mathematics to understand where those students were in the bay when they took those readings. so it really provides not only a sense of anchor, but it provides
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curriculum opportunities for students. >> the coast guard is accepting comments on why the physical buoy should stay. you can chime in by scanning a qr code. well, the qr code is not there, but comments must be submitted by april third. >> all right, some light snow starting to fall in parts of the sierra, but not enough for those chain controls to go into effect just yet. but that won't last for long. to meteorologist mark tamayo we go for a look at what we can expect here. >> mark. hi there mike. yeah, the next winter storm warning begins tomorrow morning at about 8:00, and travel could be a bit challenging heading to the sierra, maybe some short time closures even. in fact, with the snowfall rates picking up. so a stronger storm for everybody, for the sierra and for us here in the bay area. rainfall expectations about a half an inch to over two inches and winds picking up as well. we could have gusts over 40 miles an hour. so all these areas in blue a wind advisory that begins 11:00 tomorrow morning right on through early saturday morning. here's a satellite and the radar right now we have partly to mostly cloudy skies as we expand
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the view out here in the pacific. here is our next storm. it is intensifying and this will be a heavy rain producer. it will also be the wind producer as well. here's our live camera looking out toward the bay bridge tonight. and current numbers have cooled off into the upper 40s to the lower 50s for the 11:00 hour temperatures tomorrow morning, mainly in the 40s and rainfall developing throughout the morning hours, especially between about seven and 9:00 tomorrow morning as this storm. here it is. you can see this big circulation up here, but this is the storm we are watching for your friday forecast and eventually wants to head toward central and southern california. but for us, rainfall makes a comeback. and there's the chance we could have some scattered thunderstorms here in the bay area, especially by friday night and into saturday. here's that winter storm warning in the sierra. this begins 8:00 tomorrow morning. throughout a good portion of the weekend, and snowfall projections could be around 10 to 20. maybe the highest peaks of the sierra could be approaching 30in of snowfall. so we will continue to add to the snowpack. but of
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course that could cause some travel issues once again into the weekend. here we are tomorrow morning. friday 10 a.m. and the rain showers kind of expanding over the bay area this is 2:00. and this particular forecast model is trying to bring in more, more increase the coverage and also maybe a bump up the intensity with maybe some thunderstorms. this is 5:00. you'll notice still some off and on rain bands once again could be heavy at times. friday night and into saturday, possibly some urban and small stream flood advisories. and we couple that with the winds that could make us some challenging travel conditions out there. this is a sunday morning. of course, easter looks like a sun cloud mix, and there is a slight chance of a sprinkle or a light shower on sunday. highs for tomorrow, mainly in the 50s. rainfall developing and be prepared for the stronger winds developing throughout the day. off and on. showers and thunderstorms for saturday. a slight chance of a shower for easter sunday and it looks like we're going to clear things out into early next week for monday and tuesday. a little bit of a warming trend headed our way. >> all right. sounds nice mark.
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thank you. in one of the largest financial frauds in us history, former ftx founder sam bankman-fried has been sentenced to 25 years in prison for cryptocurrency fraud. prosecutors say he stole nearly $11 billion from customers of the ftx crypto exchange. ktvu lamonica peters explains how the prison sentence sends a message to other white collar criminals. >> okay, guys, come this way. >> 32 year old sam bankman-fried was sentenced to 25 years behind bars thursday after defrauding crypto investors and customers of over $11 billion. >> this shows that, several regulators are very serious about providing a good and well established and well secured trading environment to crypto. >> bankman-fried has also been ordered to repay his victims. doctor julian vogel is an assistant professor of finance at san jose state university. >> whenever he gets out of prison, he will still, for the majority of his life or for the remainder of his life, be
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working to pay back or to pay this essentially this fine, which will severely limits his ability to do bad in the future. as was one of the judge's big concern, federal prosecutors had asked for a 40 to 50 year sentence. >> white collar crime prison consultant justin paperny believes u.s. district judge lewis kaplan wanted to send a message with his 25 year sentence when dealing with a quarter century, a great taxpayer expense, it gets in the way of what people should be most concerned about victims. >> he should be working and paying that money back, bankman-fried, whose parents are both law professors at stanford university, could serve as prison terms in a medium security prison in california. >> in the meantime, paperny says, bankman freed should be thinking about how he'll change his life while in prison. >> having the government articulate that you do not accept responsibility, you continue to blame other people. you could care less about the victims. so i think the takeaway is if you want to exercise your
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right to go to trial, that's fine. understand how few people prevail and the consequences that follow. going to trial. >> bankman-fried says he will appeal his conviction and sentencing. lamonica peters ktvu, fox two news the biden administration issued the first government wide policy on the use of artificial intelligence by federal agencies. >> now, under these new regulations means federal agencies must now publish a list of the ai systems they're using, and each agency must also name an ai chief. though some republicans in congress say the white house's approach is an overreach, the biden administration says the new policy seeks to promote the safe and responsible use of artificial intelligence technology. >> here's a look now at the stories trending tonight on ktvu . com one of our top stories san francisco's mayoral candidates publicly debating what should be done to transform the city's tenderloin district. some candidates say a state of emergency needs to be declared.
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also, for oakland based companies coming together to invest $10 million in an effort to improve safety for their employees. and california's minimum wage will go up starting april first. the mandatory raise will be applied to all fast food restaurants in the state. you can find these stories and much more. all on >> the marin county fire department could soon get a new headquarters, and now the public has a chance to weigh in on the proposed change in location. >> but first, here's a look at tonight's sunset. the fog was in and out over much of the bay ahead of a rainy holiday weekend yo re w ch
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answered on tuesday. the global climate concert will be at the fillmore in san francisco. the event's mission is to bring attention to the inequalities resulting from climate change. proceeds will go to the united nations human rights climate justice initiative, along with music care climate fund that also benefits musicians that have been affected by climate change. tickets go on sale tomorrow at noon. >> the san jose fire department has a new training and emergency operations center. a ceremony took place for the grand opening of that facility on center road. it has seven classrooms. six are dedicated to the fire department and one for the office of emergency services. it also has a six story training tower designed to help firefighters train for future incidents in high rise buildings and warehouses. >> the state of the art centers will strengthen the city's emergency response and recovery capabilities, making our city safer, better prepared and more resilient to respond to all
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types of emergencies. >> already, our department is experiencing a refreshed focus on training. already we are pursuing scheduled scheduling of new course offerings. >> the new center is more than twice the size of the department's outdated training facility, which was more than 50 years old. >> marin county officials will hear a proposal to buy and transfer property and transform property in san geronimo to turn it into the new headquarters for the county fire department. the public, along with agency officials, will be able to ask about plans regarding environmental impact of the property at the hearings scheduled for next thursday. the original headquarters for marin county fire has been located in woodacre for more than a century, and say the location leaves them isolated from responding to calls and the greater san geronimo valley. >> new at 11 the oakland zoo has welcomed a new member of the baboon family, this little baby himalayan baboons name is jasiri. the oakland zoo says the
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name means brave in swahili. the baby baboon was bred with the intention to ensure the survival of himalayan baboons. >> all right. thank you everybody for watching the ten and 11:00 news. our next newscast not far away. mornings on two, beginning at 4:00. >> and to stream the latest news and weather on your smart tv anytime. just download the fox local app to your tv. thanks for joining us. good night. >> good night everyone. stay dry hello i'm dave clark. and welcome to like it or not. it's a show where our panel weighs in on everything fromor


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